Volunteers play a vital role in the running of the Goldfields
Hospice Association and are an integral part of each department
of the organization.
Volunteers can be used in many areas of Goldfields Hospice and
will be requested to attend an information session. The information
session briefly covers all the services and aspects of Goldfields
Hospice and will give you a compact overview of the Organization.
Hospice Charity Shop
The next time you are having a “clear-out”, please remember us and donate
your second hand goods to Hospice. We will convert them into funds to care
for our patients. We need second-hand clothing, shoes, toys, kitchen-ware,
linen, curtains and anything useable you no longer need.
You can deliver your donation to our Hospice Reception at 58 Montague Street,
Bedelia, Welkom or phone us at Tel: 057 353 2191/52. Our shop is on the premises
and is open from 9hoo am till 11h00 am every Tuesday.
Our shop relies on a team of loyal and enthusiastic volunteers who support our
cause. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to them all for
their selfless efforts.
"When I shop at my local Hospice Shop, I know that I am helping to raise money
for our community."